FireStop coated panel system for multiple service penetrations.

Coated Panel System FCPS

fischer Coated Panel System FCPS is a rock fibre core coated with ablative sealant FPC - fischer Panel Coating. FCPS is designed to provide effective and efficient firestopping seals in both vertical and horizontal applications. FCPS also helps to maintain the sound reduction index of a structure. The FCPS has been tested to BS 476 part 20 & 22, EN 1366-3 and is ETA approved and CE marked. Designed to provide up to 4 hours integrity and 2 hours insulation on a wide range of applications, the FCPS will allow additional services to be added or removed and will accommodate thermal and mechanical movement of services.
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Atesti / izvješća testova
2 produkt varijanti
Shelf life
Legenda = Posjeduje atest = Ne posjeduje atest
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